At Maritime Smarts, we are sensitive to
issues of consumer confidentiality and
privacy. We assure you that we will
never sell your confidential information
to a third party, or use it in any way
to violate your confidentiality. For
information view our privacy policy.
Maritime Smarts® is the registered trade
mark of Maritime Smarts, Inc.
All Maritime Smarts® programs are our
own original products. Each has been
copyrighted and it is illegal to copy
them - even if it's only to make one for
yourself. We appreciate your respect for
the time and talent that goes into each
course. All images, graphics, videos,
designs and illustrations used on this
site are the exclusive and sole property
of Maritime Smarts, and are protected by
federal copyright law.
Any and
all reproduction of any photograph,
illustration, image, logotype, text or
any content of this web site without the
express permission of Maritime Smarts is
strictly prohibited.
reserve the right to correct
typographical errors.